Sunday, February 10, 2013

Field Trips

Reminder: We have a field trip Friday, February 15th to the SAP Open Kids Day. Please make sure your child wears comfortable shoes, wears a jacket, and packs their lunch in a ziploc or paper bag.

Children must arrive at school by 7:00am in order to depart from school at 7:05 am. We will be back at school by 2:35pm.

Congrats to Cody Lejang for winning the essay contest; he will be participating in drills and other activities on the court during the event.

Upcoming Field Trip: Monday, March 4th- Tech Museum for Chemical Properties Lab and Electricity Lab

At least four chaperones are needed for that field trip.

1 comment:

  1. Ms,Burroughs didn't this already pass? Why is it still on the blog?
